Punkzilla Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[…] there was no real way I could see what I looked like with the mask on but that was sort of an awesome feeling like I wasn't ANYONE for a second like I could be ANYTHING under the mask like a ghost or a wolf boy with a dead bird in my pocket or some green mist. (8.74)

When Jamie steals Sam's backpack, he finds a rubber mask he thinks is supposed to be Keanu Reeves. Putting it on allows him to imagine that he's exempt from the human condition, which is a good way to feel when you've just stolen a little kid's bag.

Quote #8

I swear P he said "Are you a model?" and I said "No why?" and he went "You could be is all. You have that look." (15.28)

Although Jamie's skinny and androgynous, "you could be a model" is a classic rapist/murderer line. Rule number one of being a legit photographer: Never tell anyone they could be a model.

Quote #9

I was like "You think I need a haircut?" and he said "You LIKE lookin' like that?" and I went "Lookin' like what?" I thought he was going to say "Like a girl" but he didn't instead he said "Like a punk" and then I said "But I am a punk" […] (19.26)

Punk is the one constant of Jamie's identity, even if its only physical manifestations are a busted black dye job and an iPod full of Clash tunes.