Hate Quotes in Pure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The people in the Dome are lucky, playing their buckled-helmet sports, eating cake, all connected and never feeling lit flecks of swirling ash. (1.38)

Let them eat cake! Do you think the people outside the Dome hate those inside out of envy, or a sense of injustice?

Quote #2

[…] But in everyday chatter the survivors outside the Dome are called "Wretches." He's heard his father use this term many times. And Partridge has to admit; he's spent a lot of his life hating the wretches for taking his mother down with them. (2.66)

Have you ever hated someone or something just because you were told to? Say, a certain sports team or rivals from a neighboring town? That's how Partridge feels. Since he's been told that the people outside the Dome are evil monsters, that's what they are in his mind. Plus, "wretches" is a pretty hateful term.

Quote #3

Burn a Pure and breathe the ash.
Take his guts and make a sash.
Twist his hair and make a rope.
And use his bones to make Pure soap. (3.6)

Creepy. Uncanny. Scary. Unsettling. If you ever hear someone singing a song like this, we'd suggest you run.