Perseverance Quotes in Pure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I'll give it to my son. He won't last long […] This will brighten him up some." (3.35)

This man buys a toy for his dying son. Wow, that's depressing. But touching, don't you think?

Quote #2

But still, now she has to scavenge. Kepperness was right. Her grandfather isn't well. He won't last […] She has to make as many creatures as she can so that he can use them to barter with and survive. She presses on. (3.43)

Keep calm and carry on, Pressia. Pressia takes on the role of the head of the household here, which pretty much embodies the whole mindset of outside the Dome.

Quote #3

She has to go. But before she does, she draws a circle, then two eyes and a smiling mouth with her finger in the ash collected on the cabinet door. She wants it to mean, I'll be back soon. (11.50)

Some might see this as a release of Pressia's childish side, but it seems more like this is a symbol of hope. Even while facing evil she can still stay upbeat. That's not childish. That's just strong.