Power Quotes in Pure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

People often think Partridge knows more than everyone else. He's Ellery Willux's son. (2.11)

Partridge isn't smart. He isn't athletic. He isn't popular. But people still think he knows more than anyone else. Why? Because his father holds power.

Quote #2

It dawns on her that if she's heard of Bradwell, OSR has to know that he exists. (5.21)

Bradwell has the idea that OSR thinks he is dead, but Pressia knows he's wrong. No privacy outside of the Dome = no power. The power is all in the hands of the Dome and OSR.

Quote #3

She's his guide and she doesn't want to tell him too much because she wants him to rely on her, to need her, and maybe to become indebted. (16.81)

Pressia knows that having Partridge rely on her gives her control over him. He may be richer and more physically fit, but he's still basically in the palm of Pressia's hand.