Women and Femininity Quotes in Pure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Girls don't get coding, something about their delicate reproductive organs, unless they're not okayed for reproduction. (6.32)

The Dome discriminates against women, which isn't surprising seeing that they're so corrupt in every other way. For them, women are only good for reproduction.

Quote #2

Regardless of whether she gets out or not, there is the stain. Who would allow her to marry into their family now? No one. Even if they did, she wouldn't be permitted to have children. Ill fit for genetic repopulation—the end. (13.5)

And if you can't have children anymore, what do you become? No wonder the women in the rehabilitation center want to rebel; they have close to no rights in the Dome.

Quote #3

She wasn't going to embrace conservative ideals. She thought it was bulls***, like saying, Aren't we great the way we are! Pretty, feminine, nonthreatening. (28.31)

The feminine feminists are a pretty complicated group of people; they want to be feminine, but not seen as feminine. Why is that?