Pure Themes

Pure Themes


Why can't we all just get along? The dystopian world of Pure is just filled with loathing; the Pures hate the wretches, the wretches hate the Pures, everyone hates OSR and OSR hates everyone. And w...

Language and Communication

Language is tricky under the best of circumstances, but throw in a few radiation bombs and a separated society and language becomes almost impossible. The characters in Pure struggle with vocabular...


You know what's pretty fun? Being in complete control. At all times. You know what's not fun? Feeling weak and helpless. And you know what makes a good story? Watching the underdog triumph.There ar...

Memory and the Past

In the world of Pure, it seems as if all memory is lost. The main characters constantly struggle to pull memories from their lives, and sometimes they even make them up. Even Pressia's favorite gam...


Sometimes you just have to wonder, how on earth do the characters in Pure have the strength to go on? Most of the main characters were almost killed from the Detonations… and those that didn't ha...


The sacrifices the characters make in Pure aren't your normal sacrifices. We're not talking about cutting carbohydrates out your diet or giving up Facebook for a month; we're talking about serious...


Putting your faith into something isn't always a bad move… especially when life is as bleak as it is in Pure. But "faith" and "religion" don't always need to go together, especially in this book....

Women and Femininity

You won't find a woman who isn't an absolute force in Pure. These women are not to be messed with. There's even a leader of a group called the "mothers" whose name is Our Good Mother. Oh, and these...