Rebecca Death Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I'm afraid you have made a mistake," I said; "Mrs. de Winter has been dead for over a year." (8.34)

It's morbidly hilarious to see the new Mrs. de Winter forget that she's Mrs. de Winter the first time Mrs. Danvers calls her on the house phone in the morning-room. Death, on the other hand, is never quite forgotten in Rebecca.

Quote #5

She was dead. She had been dead now for a year. She lay buried in the crypt of the church with all the other dead de Winters. (14.3)

Of course, the "she" in question is Rebecca. Here we have Mrs. de Winter trying to convince herself that Rebecca is really dead and not somehow a living force exerting power over those who she left behind. Keep telling yourself that, Mrs. de W.

Quote #6

"Do you think she can see us, talking to one another now?" she said slowly. "Do you think the dead come back and watch the living?" (14.45)

No, Mrs. Danvers, but we do believe she inhabits your body and uses it to help get her afterworldly vengeance! But, really, what do you think? Do you think Rebecca can see what's happening in her precious Manderley?