Rebecca Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I don't mind that," I said. "I love bathing. As long as the currents are not too strong. Is the bathing safe in the bay?" (9.61)

Oops! Of course, the bay's dangerous: its where Rebecca dies. Mrs. de Winter realizes the implications of her innocent slip-of-the-tongue and soon enough will become hyper-paranoid about any comment that might make Maxim recall Rebecca and her death.

Quote #8

"You see," she said, snapping the top, and walking down the stairs, "you are so very different from Rebecca." (9.169)

Until Mrs. de Winter realizes that Beatrice's comment is meant as a compliment, she replays it over and over in her memory. She uses it as proof that she's being compared unfavorably to Rebecca by everyone.

Quote #9

"Forget it, Mrs de Winter, forget it, as he has done, thank heaven, and the rest of us. We none of us want to bring back the past. Maxim least of all. And it's up to you, you know, to lead us away from it. Not to take us back there again." (11.128)

Mrs. de Winter finds this easier said than done. She's surrounded by Rebecca's things, and Mrs. Danvers especially won't let Mrs. de Winter forget about her.