Rebecca Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He ran his fingers through my hair. Different from his old abstracted way. It was not like stroking Jasper any more. I felt his finger tips on the scalp of my head. Sometimes he kissed me. Sometimes he said things to me. (21.56)

See, we told you that quote from Chapter 9 had to do with sex. Maxim isn't absently petting Mrs. de Winter like a dog any more. Now that his murderous secret is out, so too, it seems, is his sexual passion for Mrs. de Winter.

Quote #8

"I wonder what you have been doing. Leading Frank Crawley up the garden path?" (23.114)

Favell seems to keep sex on the brain at all times. We love his euphemism for adulterous sex – leading up the garden path. We'll have to use that one. Favell's comments allude to what Mrs. de Winter already knows: there was some sort of hanky-panky between Frank and Rebecca.

Quote #9

"Love-making was a game with her, only a game. She told me so. She did it because it made her laugh. It made her laugh, I tell you. She laughed at you like she did at the rest. I've known her come back and sit upstairs in her bed and rock with laughter at the lot of you." (24.121)

Hmm. This kind of talk from Mrs. Danvers makes us wish we could talk to Rebecca and find out about her real views and feelings concerning sex.