Rebecca Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"She knew I would sacrifice pride, honour, personal feelings, every damned quality on earth, rather than stand before our little world after a week of marriage and have them know the things about her that she had told me then." (20.42)

Social pressure can be a major pain; Maxim would rather be miserable than have everyone know his personal business.

Quote #11

"Oh, I see," said Favell, "you're going to hold his hand through this. You're going to back de Winter. You won't let him down because you've dined with him, and he's dined with you. He's a big name down here. He's the owner of Manderley. You poor bloody little snob." (24.13)

There seems to be a ring of truth in Favell's statement. Maxim's social and economic status does shield him from prosecution for his crime. It seems that Colonel Julyan, who Favell is addressing, would rather preserve the illusion that Maxim is a fine gentleman, than go up against him and disturb the social pecking order.