Sarah, Plain and Tall Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The next day Papa went to town to mail his letter to Sarah. It was rainy for days, and the clouds followed. The house was cool and damp and quiet. Once I set four places at the table, then caught myself and put the extra plate away. (2.24)

Even Anna finds herself caught up in the excitement and anticipation of possibly getting a new mother. Before Sarah even comes to the Midwest, she's already setting an extra place at the table as though Sarah belongs there.

Quote #5

I shook my head, turning the white stone over and over in my hand. I wished everything was as perfect as the stone. I wished that Papa and Caleb and I were perfect for Sarah. I wished we had a sea of our own. (3.49)

Anna isn't stupid—she can see that Sarah is homesick—but still, she wishes and hopes with all her heart that Sarah will decide that being a part of the Witting family is the right decision… and even wishes that they had a sea to give her.

Quote #6

"For the birds," said Sarah. "They will use it for their nests. Later we can look for nests of curls."

"Sarah said 'later,'" Caleb whispered to me as we spread his hair about. "Sarah will stay." (4.31-32)

Caleb looks for any sign that Sarah is staying. He hopes and dreams that because she says things like "later," she means to stay on with the Witting family permanently—and to become his new mother.