Sarah, Plain and Tall Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I can teach you how to drive a wagon. I have already taught you how to plow."

"And then I can go to town. By myself."

"Say no, Papa," Caleb whispered beside me. (8.13-15)

Caleb thinks that by keeping Sarah at home all the time, he can assuage his fears—she won't leave them if she can't find a way to get out of the house. But he has to trust Sarah to make her decision, whatever it might be.

Quote #8

"Why does she want to go to town by herself?" asked Caleb. "To leave us?"

I shook my head, weary with Caleb's questions. Tears gathered at the corners of my eyes. But there was no time to cry, for suddenly Papa called out. (8.27-28)

Anna wants to protect Caleb, but his constant questions set her fears and worries in motion, too. She wants to cry when Caleb starts asking about Sarah leaving them, because she fears the exact same thing. She just doesn't want to say it.

Quote #9

A few raindrops came, gentle at first, then stronger and louder, so that Caleb and I covered our ears and stared at each other without speaking. Caleb looked frightened and I tried to smile at him. Sarah carried a sack into the barn, her hair wet and streaming down her neck, Papa came behind, Lottie and Nick with him, their ears flat against their heads. (8.33)

The squall scares the children and animals, but Sarah and Jacob remain brave and calm—just like parents should. They settle everyone down in the barn and make it homey so the children forget their fears.