Sarah, Plain and Tall The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"My garden?" Sarah bent down to touch the plants.

"Zinnias and marigolds and wild feverfew," said Maggie. "You must have a garden. Wherever you are." (7.26-27)

Maggie's been through this before, so she knows that Sarah needs to make her own additions to the farm in order to feel like it's her home, too. She gives her plants so Sarah can start a garden.

Quote #8

Sarah's chickens were not afraid, and they settled like small red bundles in the hay. Papa closed the door at last, shutting out some of the sound of the storm. The barn was eerie and half lighted, like dusk without a lantern. Papa spread blankets around our shoulders and Sarah unpacked a bag of cheese and bread and jam. At the very bottom of the bag were Sarah's shells. (8.36)

Even when they're stuck in a barn, Sarah and the Witting family manage to make things cozy and fun. Sarah sets up a little picnic and even has shells to entertain the kids and to distract them from the storm.

Quote #9

Seal jumped up to the porch, her feet making a small thump. Caleb leaned down and picked her up and walked inside. I took the broom and slowly swept the porch. Then I watered Sarah's plants. Caleb cleaned out the wood stove and carried the ashes to the barn, spilling them so that I had to sweep the porch again. (9.24)

Anna and Caleb take good care for the parts of their home that Sarah has brought—like her garden and her cat. They want to make sure she returns to stay with them for good.