Skin Hunger: A Resurrection of Magic Chapter 18 Summary

  • Living in darkness makes it impossible to know when the sun rises or sets, so the wizards wake up Hahp and his roomie to go to classes with Franklin.
  • Classes with Franklin are about learning breathing patterns and emptying their minds—which is hard to do when you're starving, since the wizards never feed them.
  • As much as he hates his father, Hahp just wants to go home.
  • He starts reading the history book that's in his room. The first section is about the first Age of Magic. Wizards were super-powerful back then, but a bunch of kings felt threatened so they convinced the common people that wizards were evil, and then wizards were hunted and killed.
  • Hahp slowly but surely starts to get the hang of Franklin's breathing lessons, even though weird stuff keeps happening, like blurs that he sees out of the corner of his eye. Are they being watched?