Skin Hunger: A Resurrection of Magic Chapter 25 Summary

  • One morning when Somiss is gone (trying to mooch off his mom), Franklin asks Sadima to try copying some marks on paper. She doesn't know how to read or write, but she picks up copying pretty fast.
  • Franklin is delighted, saying this'll convince Somiss to let her stay, since Somiss always needs more copies made of his research notes.
  • Somiss comes in all pissed off because his mom has cut him off (since his father suspects something). So now they don't have any money.
  • Franklin has Sadima demonstrate her copying skills, and Somiss is wary at first—turns out it's illegal for commoners to learn to read and write—but Franklin argues that Sadima can just copy the marks without knowing what they mean.
  • Somiss agrees, but only if Sadima swears to keep what she's learned a secret.
  • Franklin is elated that Sadima can stay. He says they'll change the world, eliminate poverty, and make sure no woman dies as Sadima's mother did… and then he kisses her.