Skin Hunger: A Resurrection of Magic Chapter 56 Summary

  • The next time Jux comes for Hahp, the goal is to make a swarm of ants leave alone a glob of honey. Failing at this also means dying.
  • Problem is though, that it's tough for Hahp to send his thoughts into the tiny minds of the ants. A few get the message, but there are too many of them.
  • Hahp takes off his robe and lays down with the ants, trying to commune with them. They start biting him—and that's when Jux tells him just to leave. No death penalty on this one, huh?
  • Hahp is about to eat something when a wizard fetches him. He joins the remaining students, and Somiss tells them that they must all memorize the first song—and until they manage to recite it perfectly, they will go hungry.