Skin Hunger: A Resurrection of Magic Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The magician turned. "Rest will mend her. Just leave her to sleep until tomorrow and she will be fine."

"She won't lift a finger for weeks," Micah called back. (3.42-43)

This magician is a master manipulator: she plays on the fears of Micah and his father, reassures them that everything is fine, and instructs them to leave Micah's mom and baby sister alone for a while. This is so that she can make her getaway before anyone discovers that she let Micah's mom die while she ransacked the room for valuables. No wonder their family doesn't trust magicians after that.

Quote #2

"What are you doing?" Fishboy demanded in the sudden, complete darkness. "Open the door."

"I didn't close it," I told him, searching for the handle behind me. I couldn't find it for a moment, and when I did, it wouldn't move. "It won't work."

"Then this is some kind of test," Fishboy said. He sounded matter-of-fact. (12.8-10)

Gerrard (a.k.a. Fishboy) is the first to assume that the wizards have some kind of agenda and are testing the boys. It doesn't even occur to Hahp that this sort of thing could happen, since it's never happened at any of the other schools he's attended. That boy is sure in for a surprise when the wizards reveal how nasty they actually are.

Quote #3

I felt my eyes ache. I could not cry. I would not cry. This crap couldn't last more than a few days. The wizards just wanted to scare the piss out of us to start with, to make sure we were afraid of them, that we wouldn't cause trouble. I exhaled and felt a little better. That had to be right. What other reason could there be? (14.5)

Oh, Hahp—still so innocent to the ways of the wizarding world. They want to scare you senseless, because it's all part of their grand plan to manipulate you into becoming just like them: totally heartless.