Story of a Girl Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He's laid-back. He's loyal. He gets it. In fact, the only thing wrong with Jason is that, at the time, he happened to be the boyfriend of my other best friend, Lee. (1.37)

There are probably other things wrong with Jason, just like there are with all of us, but Deanna can't see them because (to her) he represents affection, protection, and escape. She might not really love Jason, but she loves what he could be for her.

Quote #2

That feeling came again, like when I'd see them in the hall together at school. The hoodie meant there had been a moment: Lee and Jason alone, the sweatshirt changing hands. (2.43)

Deanna's possessiveness of Jason grows more intense when she sees Lee with his shirt. The fact that someone else is having intimate moments with her best friend makes her feel like one more thing has been taken from her—kind of like her brother and her dad.

Quote #3

"Aww. I love it when you call me 'dude.' He's such a romantic, huh, Deanna?" (2.148)

Do you think Lee is really as clueless as she pretends to be, or do you think she's flaunting her relationship in front of Deanna a little bit just because she can? If she was doing it consciously, she might not be as sweet and innocent as Deanna thinks she is—Lee might be just as different on the inside than on the outside as Deanna.