Story of a Girl Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I'd never been kissed like that, not by Tommy or anyone else. No one had declared me his, not for the whole world to see, anyway. (2.152)

Would PDA (a.k.a. public displays of affection) be a big part of Deanna's ideal relationship, as it seems to be in Jason and Lee's? It might show other people that she had some worth, and then she might be more inclined to believe it herself.

Quote #5

Something in me surged again, and I should have told him to go to hell but I didn't want to give him anything, not one single hint that he could still make me feel things, even hate. (3.100)

Hate and love are closely intertwined—it's surprising sometimes how quickly one can turn into the other. Deanna may have to make her feelings and her reactions this black-and-white just to survive the turmoil she constantly feels inside.

Quote #6

It happened right then: he looked at me and it was the thing I'd been waiting for but didn't know it. I don't mean anything corny like I fell in love or even into a crush or anything like that. (4.13)

Deanna's being an unreliable narrator here—obviously she had a crush on Tommy. Why do you think she's denying it?