Story of a Girl The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The bus heaved to a halt at my stop, the stop I'd been getting off at my whole life, in front of a mold-gray house a few doors down from ours, with five cars parked on the lawn – cars that had been there since the dawn of time, at least. (2.51)

While most teenagers hate some aspect of where they live, Deanna's life actually does sound really bleak. Nothing says "I've given up" like a yard full of broken-down cars.

Quote #2

Stacy and my dad were arguing when I got home. They stood in the dim hall, my dad dripping wet in his robe, Stacy still wearing the dirty sweats and bouncing April in her arms. They didn't seem to notice me. (2.115)

Home isn't just the physical structure—it's the dynamics of the people in it. Ironically Deanna's house being crammed full of people makes it easier for her to disappear. Can you relate to this?

Quote #3

"I hope you're not going out of your way to cook anything for Stacy," Dad said. "This isn't a hotel; we don't do room service." (3.40)

Deanna's father's anger at Stacy could have something to do with sleep deprivation—after all, there's a crying baby in his house. He feels that if he's awake in the morning after a night of April crying, Stacy should be too.