Story of a Girl The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I hated Mondays. Mom worked, Darren worked, and Stacy took the car to do errands, which left me home alone with Dad […] it was impossible to deal with. I had to get out. (3.134)

Deanna's dad ignores her, but even his presence in the house is enough to make her feel crowded. The crowding isn't just physical—it's psychological.

Quote #5

"Mention it?" He threw a wrench onto the grass […] "Like how you mentioned that Stacy was pregnant three weeks after Darren told you? Don't I have a right to know what's going on in my own house?" (5.12)

Deanna's mom thinks she's doing everybody a favor by hiding the truth and covering it up with fake happiness, but instead she's adding to her husband's feeling that he's lost control of his life and his family.

Quote #6

"S***," she said. "I guess we're going home." (5.128)

Stacy fantasizes about escape just as much as Deanna does, but hers is different: she wants to go back to her partying days. It's much more of a fantasy than Deanna's concrete plan to save money and move out.