Tender is the Night Book Two, Chapter Nineteen Summary

  • Dick goes to America and buries his father among the ancestors.
  • Back on a ship, he encounters Albert McKisco who is now a famous novelist. Somehow the duel with Tommy Barban has changed him for the better.
  • Dick perceives it immediately and so they hung out. Violet is pretty fancy now, and happy, though sometimes still gets on Albert’s nerves.
  • When Dick checks into a hotel in Rome, worn out and drunk, he sees Rosemary and she sees him. She’s here on location, but in a hurry to get to the shooting, but wants him to call her at 2pm.
  • Dick goes to his room, and tries to be calm, and then falls asleep, hard.
  • He wakes up around 2pm, feeling much better, and thinks about Rosemary. He imagines she’s had many lovers in the fours years they’ve been apart.
  • He thinks he has less to offer her now.
  • Around 3pm he calls her room, and she invites him to come. He stops for drink on the way up, and runs in to Collis Clay. He wants to pay for Dick’s drink but Dick doesn’t let him.