Community Quotes in The Art of Fielding

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I love it when I have to take a dump. […] It's the only time I get to be alone." (5.50)

Communities are all about togetherness and brother- or sisterhood, but not everyone on the team, like Rick O'Shea here, loves being attached to a group at all times. He relishes the moments he's alone, whenever those moments may be.

Quote #2

The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best. (5.90)

"Don't take it personally. Henry and I have been coming here every Friday for years." (18.47)

Henry likes routine, but Mike doesn't have much of a problem breaking it for his own selfish reasons. He doesn't realize how much this little routine means to Henry.

Quote #3

For the last four years Schwartz had devoted himself to Westish College; for the last three he'd devoted himself to Henry. Now both would go on without him. Thanks for everything, Mikey. See ya around. (19.27)

Mike feels a little betrayed by his community, thinking it will just drop him like Jennifer Lawrence dropped Gwyneth Paltrow's ex-husband, but when Westish approaches him with a coaching opportunity—something that would keep him both at Westish and involved with the team—he initially turns it down. Why?