Competition Quotes in The Art of Fielding

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Schwartz told Henry that the Westish Harpooners had been crappy for too many years to count, but with Henry's help they were going to turn it around. (2.24)

Mike's number one goal is for his baseball team to win. With this being his priority, we're surprised he wants to go to law school instead of being a coach. Baseball always seems to be his number one priority.

Quote #2

"Doesn't this drive you nuts? […] Sitting on the bench." (5.15, 5.17)

Henry is a player—not with women, but with baseball. He doesn't want to sit on the sidelines, he wants to be in the game… at least as long as he's perfect. Notice that, once his streak ends, Henry avoids the field at all costs.

Quote #3

"This is America. Winners win. Losers get booted." (5.61)

There's no irony here. Both Mike and Henry believe in their own way that it's either go big or go home. For Henry, it's more of a personal win. He doesn't care if the team wins or loses, as long as his big streak survives. Still, when Henry later finds himself unable to go big, he wants to go home.