The Art of Fielding Steaminess Rating

Exactly how steamy is this story?


Baseball may be America's pastime, but this novel is for mature Americans only. With all the naked locker room scenes, Mike's tendency to use his Schwartz as a barometer for his current state of mind, multiple oral sex (on-page) and anal sex (off-page) scenes between Guert and Owen, and Pella's tendency to sleep with a man the first night she meets him, there's a lot of carnal shenanigans going on here. But like the no-big-deal locker room nudity, all of the sex is very casual. Pella cheats on Mike with Henry, and—aside from one outburst—it's barely a blip on Mike's sexual barometer. Guert has never been with a man before, but he and Owen slip easily into lovers' roles. Perhaps sex to everyone in this book is like baseball—just another game.