Literature and Writing Quotes in The Art of Fielding

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

At the end of that dismal '69 season—the Sugar Maples won just one game—Affenlight turned in his helmet. Football had been a diversion; he had a purpose now, and the purpose was to read. (6.10)

Affenlight and Owen have something in common: a love for sports and for reading. But although Affenlight puts sports aside in favor of reading, Owen decides to combine the two… to disastrous results.

Quote #2

He wrote his dissertation in the kind of white heat in which he'd always imagined writing a novel—the kind of white heat in which his hero Melville, over six torrid months in a barn in Western Massachusetts, had written the greatest novel the world had ever seen. (6.18)

Not only does Guert idolize Herman Melville, he fancies himself to be a bit like Melville too. But why doesn't he continue writing? Melville didn't write just one book, but that's all Guert penned.

Quote #3

"Him and his goddamn books." (9.23)

The coach blames Owen and his reading for Owen getting hit in the face by a baseball, and we have to agree with him. We love reading as much as the next person, but couldn't he put the book down during the games he's supposed to be playing?