Inertia Quotes in The Art of Fielding

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"He's only ever wanted to play baseball." (2.12)

If you don't know any other character trait about Henry, know this one—he only wants to play baseball. In fact, that might be his defining characteristic.

Quote #2

[Affenlight] thought he would do such things forever. (6.22)

Guert and Henry are kindred spirits, in a never-wanting-to-grow-up sort of way.

Quote #3

"If we're not first movers on this, then we're back in the pack. There's no PR in the pack. Might as well sit back and learn from their mistakes." (7.11)

College administration is slower than FEMA when it comes to environmental disasters. No one wants to take the initiative to make Westish a green campus, and the head of trustees, Bruce Gibbs, is steadily going nowhere.