The Book of the City of Ladies Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

There is no uglier vice in a woman than gluttony, for this vice, wherever it might be, attracts many others. (1.10.1)

De Pizan wants to defend women, but she's willing to admit that there are some bad women in the world. The worst women, for her, are the ones who are lazy and who constantly eat, because this sin apparently leads to a whole bunch of other bad qualities.

Quote #5

[When] they were little girls, [they] burned off their left breast through some technique so that it would not hinder them from carrying a shield, and they removed the right breast of commoners to make it easier for them to shoot a bow. (1.16.1)

Christine de Pizan has a lot of admiration for the legendary Amazon women who created a woman-only society. These women were all warriors, and they even removed their breasts in order to fight better.

Quote #6

In fact when someone says something foolish, the widely voiced insult is that this is women's knowledge. (1.37.1)

Sometimes, men will just say that a dumb comment is just "women's knowledge." The problem with this logic is that you can just slap this label on anything and call it women's knowledge without ever thinking about the demeaning connection you're making with femininity. This is like people who think that calling something lame "gay" is okay; they're unaware of how insulting they're being.