The Book of the City of Ladies Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

My lady, I can truly and clearly see that God—may he be praised for it—has granted that the mind of an intelligent woman can conceive, know, and retain all perceptible things. (1.43.1)

Once she's heard the three magical ladies speak for a while, Christine de Pizan realizes that women are capable of knowing just as much as men are. Now she can get down to the work of building the City of Ladies with the confidence of knowing how great women can be.

Quote #8

Now a New Kingdom of Femininity has begun, and it is far better than the earlier kingdom of the Amazons, for the ladies residing here will not need to leave their land in order to conceive or give birth to new heirs to maintain their possessions throughout the different ages. (2.12.1)

Christine de Pizan thinks that her City of Ladies will be better than the society of the legendary Amazons because the Amazons had to travel to other countries in order to have sex and get pregnant. The women in the City of Ladies don't need to reproduce because they're immortal. That's a way of solving the whole perpetuate-the-human-race thing.

Quote #9

Along with this [Argia] overcame and conquered feminine weakness and tenderness through overwhelming force of will and ardor of hope. (2.17.1)

There are countless cases in history where women have conquered their fears in order to accomplish great acts of bravery and heroism. And Christine is more than happy to tell us every single example she can think of.