The Dark Is Rising Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

For this was Christmas, which had always been a time of magic, to him and to all the world. This was a brightness, a shining festival, and while its enchantment was on the world the charmed circle of his family and home would be protected against any invasion from outside. (7.126)

Thinking about keeping loved ones safe, Will hopes he's able to shield his family from the Dark. He can't, of course, which is super clear when their impromptu Christmas guest drops by. Dun dun dun…

Quote #5

And the old man just looked at me again with very dark, deep eyes that seemed to be looking through me into the day after tomorrow, and he said, "I would know you anywhere. You are Will Stanton's brother. There is a look that we old ones have. Our families have something of it too." (8.12)

In Stephen's letter, Will's brother tells him what the Old One said. It turns out all Old Ones' family members have a certain look about them, which is one way that the Dark know who they are, which can be dangerous. It's also a cool way for the Old Ones to identify each other in a new place.

Quote #6

"How dare you! At Christmas, on Christmas morning! Get out!" It was the first time in his life he had ever felt such rage, and it was not pleasant, but he was outraged that the Dark should have dared to interrupt this his most precious family ritual. (8.64)

When the Rider (a.k.a. Mr. Mitothin) shows up at Will's house, he's outraged. This day is supposed to be special and untouchable, but evidently nothing keeps the Dark away. If they don't break for Christmas, they probably don't break for anything—and that's pretty scary.