The Dark Is Rising Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"It's possible," said the answering voice in his mind. "They cannot harm you, true, and they cannot destroy men. But they can encourage men's own instincts to do them harm. Or bring an unexpected clap of thunder, when someone is standing at the top of a flight of stairs…" (10.71)

When Will learns of his mom's "accident" falling down the stairs, he's afraid that it was no accident; he thinks the Dark are going after his family, one by one. We never get confirmation of this, but Merriman tells him that it's certainly plausible. Eek.

Quote #8

But as the Old One in him took control, calming the fear, he cut off the shout. This was not a matter for ordinary human beings, even of his own family; he should be glad to be alone. He knew now that Mary must be caught, somewhere, held by the Dark. Only he had any chance of getting her back. (11.44)

It's not long before the Rider goes directly after Will's family by kidnapping his sister, Mary. Will worries about what will happen to Mary and takes the bait, just like the Rider wants him to. Merriman suggests not trading the Sign for Mary's life, but Will doesn't even hesitate.

Quote #9

He thought: these are my people. This is my family, in the same way as my real family. The Old Ones. Every one of us is linked, for the greatest purpose in the world. (13.33)

In the end Will figures out he has two families. There's the family he was born with and the Old Ones who have become like a family to him during his quest. Yay for two families.