The Future of Us Analysis

Literary Devices in The Future of Us

Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory


Welcome to the 90s, Shmoopers, an era filled with Walkmen, Nirvana, crop tops, and scrunchies. Specifically, The Future of Us is set in small-town Pennsylvania, with much of the action taking place...

Narrator Point of View

The Future of Us is written in first person. It's also written in the present tense—we hear what's happening in the moment—and this makes the story feel active, like we have a front row seat as...


Let's check The Future of Us against our handy little checklist of young adult lit criteria, shall we?Teenage protagonists? Check.Young people navigating young people problems like love, family, pa...

What's Up With the Title?

The Future of Us clearly refers to Emma and Josh, our protagonists. The whole plot evolves around the fact that they find their futures, after all, and as the story progresses, we watch them each n...

What's Up With the Ending?

Were you expecting the book to end with some sort of confirmation that Josh and Emma wind up married in the future? We admit that we kind of were. But no such confirmation ever comes—heck, the ca...


The Future of Us is an easy to read. There aren't any fancy words and the plot moves forward—it's about the future, after all—so the story plugs right along. Some of you may be confused as to...

Plot Analysis

The Golden TicketEmma and Josh are going through an awkward phase in their friendship. The short version: Josh likes Emma, Emma rejected him. Things only get more complicated, though, when they fin...


How's this for a mind-blowing factoid: The iMac wasn't released until 1998… two years after our story is set, and the same year Google began. (Source.)The first cell phone sold in 1984. How...

Steaminess Rating

There's lots of innuendo about sex, a drug reference, and some language that you probably try not to use when you're babysitting. That said, the sexual content is all talk, since none of the charac...


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