The Home Quotes in The Help

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Please, I want him to think I can do it on my own. I want him to think I'm…worth it." (3.99)

We aren't exactly sure why Celia can't cook and clean. Since she was raised poor, it's doubtful she had servants. Unlike the other women with maids, she wants someone to teach her to do things for herself, rather than wait on her.

Quote #2

Three years ago today, Treelore died. But by Miss Leefolt's book it's still floor cleaning day. (7.100)

Aibileen has to go to work as though it's just business-as-usual on the anniversary of her son's death. It's unlikely Elizabeth would know this, or care even if she did know.

Quote #3

"Minny, do you and Leroy ever talk about civil rights," Miss Skeeter asks. "When he comes home from work?" (14.7)

Leroy and Minny do, in fact, talk about civil rights in their home, but you can bet Minny would never reveal this to Skeeter. Ironically, she does reveal it to us, the readers of her narrative.