Love Quotes in The Help

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Problem is, much as I love the Lord, churchgoing man never do all that much for me. Kind a man I like ain't the kind that stays around after he done spending all you money. (2.124)

Aibileen has romantic dreams, but feels safer focusing on her prayers and her work.

Quote #2

I already had the rope tied when Minny found it. […] I don't know if I's gonna use it […]. Minny, though, she don't ask no questions about it, just pull it out from under the bed, put it in the can, take it to the street. (2.190)

When Aibileen considers suicide after Treelore's death, Minny shows her love for Aibileen by throwing out the noose.

Quote #3

"Hi, Aibee. I love you, Aibee," and I feel a tickly soft feeling, soft like the flap of butterfly wings, watching her play out there. (7.26)

Mae Mobley's love for Aibileen is touching, and much deserved.