Literature and Writing Quotes in The Help

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[Treelore] even start writing his own book, bout being a colored man living and working in Mississippi. (1.8)

Like Aibileen, Treelore was a dedicated writer. Unlike Aibileen, he's killed before he can use his writing to make a difference in the world around him.

Quote #2

I been writing my prayers since junior high. (2.125)

The Help celebrates writing as a powerful way to create change. This point is subtly reinforced by the fact that Aibileen's written prayers are especially effective. This line also shows us that Aibileen is a practiced and disciplined writer well before she starts working on Help.

Quote #3

Don't waste your time on obvious things. Write about what disturbs you; particularly if it seems to bother no one else. (6.8)

Skeeter takes Elaine Stein's advice extremely seriously and hits on a taboo topic – the experiences of the black women who work for the white families in town, in (mostly) their own words.