Society and Class Quotes in The Help

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

They ain't rich folks. Rich folks don't try so hard. (1.15)

Aibileen observes that the Leefolts are less well-off than their friends and neighbors. Maybe that's why Elizabeth always seems so eager to stay on Hilly's good side.

Quote #2

You see her in the Jitney 14 grocery, you never think she go leave her baby crying in her crib like that. But the help always know. (1.25)

Aibileen makes it clear that Elizabeth is a neglectful, abusive parent. But because of her status, Elizabeth can't be viewed as such. Her status allows her to abuse and neglect her daughter with impunity, and prevents her from getting help for her problem.

Quote #3

I could tell she don't understand why a colored woman can't raise no white-skin baby in Mississippi. It be a hard lonely life, not belonging here nor there. (7.91)

Skeeter is having trouble understanding why Constantine gave her daughter Lulabelle up for adoption. Lulabelle's father was black, but she inherits Constantine's father's light skin. As a result, she just won't fit into the closed-minded Jackson society.