The Killer Angels Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Killer Angels? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Chamberlain's wife and children are waiting for him in _________.

New Hampshire
Q. What happened to Longstreet's children?

Three of them caught fever and died during one Christmas season.
Trick question—he never had kids.
They were sent to England for safety.
They're waiting for him back in Richmond.
Q. What was Robert E. Lee's home state—which he could never fight against?

South Carolina
Q. Kilrain's relationship with his father could best be described in what way?

They had fun on long fishing trips, which he still remembers.
His father was distant but sometimes affectionate.
Trick question—he never knew who his father was.
Kilrain fought with his dad, but later reconciled.
Q. Arthur Fremantle thinks that England is ____, while the South is _____.

compact, spacious
boring, action-packed
civilized, disgusting
better at Angry Birds, better at Flappy Bird