The Killer Angels Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Killer Angels? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who says, at the end of the book, "You and I, we have no Cause."

Q. What does Buster Kilrain say about "gentlemen"?

"I wish I was one of those gentlemen."
"I damn all gentlemen."
"I respect all gentlemen."
"Gentlemen just wanna have fun."
Q. What does General Armistead tell the Union officer to tell Win Hancock?

"…how wrong the Confederacy always was…"
"…how you can get a discount on windshield wipers…"
"…how wrong the Union always was…"
"…how very sorry I am…"
Q. In talking to Kilrain about slavery, what does Chamberlain say?

"I'd shoot every slave owner in the South if I had to … Every single one."
"The more I think on it the more it horrifies me. How can they look in the eyes of a man and make a slave of him and then quote the Bible?"
"The more I think on it, the less sure I am. I don't really know what to think anymore... Kilrain, it's all so confusing!"
"Wait? What's slavery? That's what we're fighting over?"
Q. What does Kilrain remember a Southern visitor to Maine telling him that he didn't understand?

That "the war was really all about states' rights"
That "people in the South just want to relax and enjoy life"
That "a Negro was not a man"
That "a pizza with Fritos on it is not a real pizza and never can be"