The Magic Barrel Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #1

After two tormented days of turning it over in his mind, he called in Pinye Salzman. (1)

Yikes, no one makes a decision lightly in this story. Every choice is fraught with pain. This agonizing continues through the entire story, and it's ultimately dispersed not by certainty, but only by hope.

Quote #2

"So few?" he asked in disappointment. (6)

Leo's comment sets up one of the most frustrating scenes: the first array of girls that Salzman shows him. Leo's primed for dissatisfaction from the get-go; before he's even examined the girls' profiles he thinks that the selection isn't broad enough.

Quote #3

His face was gray and meager, his expression hungry, and he looked as if he would expire on his feet. (60)

This is just one of many passages letting us know that Salzman is not a happy person. We eventually learn why, but for now it's quite a mystery. Notice that Malamud mentions Salzman's haggard expression almost every time we see him. That's not a mistake.