The Magic Barrel Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Why does Leo Finkle make use of a matchmaker instead of finding a girl on his own?
  2. How does Leo's relationship to God evolve and change throughout the story? Or does it?
  3. What does Pinye Salzman gain out of his business as a matchmaker?
  4. How important is the difference in age between Finkle and Salzman to the drama of the story?
  5. What role does New York City play in this story?
  6. In what ways does the story reflect Jewish culture and Jewish sensibilities?
  7. What is the difference between the last girl that Finkle picks and the others? (Besides the fact that she's Salzman's daughter, that is).
  8. Does the story have a happy ending? Why or why not?