The Magic Barrel Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #1

Finkle, after six years of study, was to be ordained in June and had been advised by an acquaintance that he might find it easier to win himself a congregation if he were married. (1)

This is the starting point: a life so stunningly love-free that marriage is viewed as only a good career move. It's a handy starting point to chart Leo's progress, and helps us get a sense of how lost and lonely he was before we picked up on the story. It's a pretty sad state of affairs, even for someone who's studying so hard.

Quote #2

She was au courant, animatedly, with all sorts of subjects, and he weighed her words and found her surprisingly sound. (96)

First big change here. Leo's looking at the girl's personality, her intelligence and he interest levels, not just her looks. Pity it's all about to come crashing down. Even so, Finkle's early positive reaction to Lily shows that he's changing, and with that change, there might come love.

Quote #3

His whole life stood starkly revealed and he saw himself for the first time as he truly was--unloved and loveless. (114)

Pain leads to growth, and if you've lived a life that is unloving and unloved any growth is good. Having finally seen what his life was without love, Leo can then set about finding it… even if it breaks his matchmaker's heart.