The River Between Us Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The River Between Us? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. During which war is Tilly's story set?

English Civil War
American Civil War
French Revolution
Chocolate War
Q. During which war is Howard's story set?

First World War
Second World War
Third World War
War of the Worlds
Q. Why do the steamboats stop running?

They run out of steam
Lincoln blockades the South
They can no longer afford to
Everyone is too busy fighting
Q. Why does Noah leave the army?

The food is bad
He doesn't want to get dysentery
He loses an arm
The war ends quickly
Q. What does Howard's dad plan to do?

Go to Canada to avoid the draft
Enlist in the army as a foot soldier
Become an army doctor
Donate his car to the war effort