The Scorpio Races Narrator:

First Person Point of View, Alternating Narrator

The Scorpio Races is told from either Sean or Puck's point of view, depending on the chapter you're reading. How can you tell? Well, it has their name in nice big capital letters at the top of each chapter, sometimes even switching in the middle of a chapter.

Why does Stiefvater do this? While she gives us two different perspectives—the stable boy and the… girl with no job, Puck and Sean are so similar it's often difficult to tell them apart. Here are just a few of the similarities: Love horses, want to win the Scorpio Races because they need money, orphans, "masculine" characteristics, not many friends…

If you could pick one, who would you choose to narrate the entire book and why? And how would Puck or Sean's character change if they were relegated to supporting role status?