Gender Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

In front of us, there are two seas: one far-off ocean of deep blue and one seething mass of horses and men. All of them are men, not a girl among them. (7.2)

Gathered together like they are, the men almost operate with a sort of hive mentality. We wonder how much gender bias each individual man has? Would they speak out against Puck if they were by themselves?

Quote #2

What say does a girl have in how big her chest gets? (10.14)

Puck seems to be speaking to the entire female gender here, letting girls everywhere know that bust size is not representative of self-worth.

Quote #3

"I'm all for women, but this isn't a woman's game." (10.33)

Peg tells Puck this to get her to quit the races. We're not sure exactly what a woman's game would be. What is a woman's game, Peg Gratton? Bridge?