Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The truth is, until you know any different, the island is enough. (1.7)

While a lot of people Puck's age might dream of getting away from their hometown, Puck's dream is to stay put on the land she knows and loves. It's kind of like if Harry Potter wanted to stay in the cupboard under the stairs, except his cupboard likely smells better.

Quote #2

I don't actually want the Malvern stables. [...] What I want is this: a roof over my head that is my own [...] and most of all, I want Corr. (11.17)

This might come as a shock to Mr. Malvern because he seems to be grooming Sean (grooming, in a horse stable, get it?) to be his successor. Sean's a lot more reliable than his own son.

Quote #3

I dream of a day when I can turn my back on Mutt Malvern and keep walking. (11.19)

We wonder if Sean would want to stay on at Malvern's stables were it not for Mutt. With Mutt dead at the end of the book, and Puck also working at the stables, do you think Sean will stay?