Loyalty Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I want to come with you today." (5.19)

Even though Finn thinks Puck is doing something dangerous and stupid by signing up for the races, he still goes with her for moral support. Her other brother, Gabe, does no such thing.

Quote #2

I trust Corr more than any of them.

I should not trust him at all. (9.9-9.10)

Sean and Corr's bond is unusual. People bond with horses all the time, and it's no big deal. But Corr isn't any horse… he's a supernatural creature and from a species that is hardly ever to be trusted. Why does Corr remain so loyal to Sean while the other water horses will turn on their owners in an instant?

Quote #3

"Five years I've kept you alive on that beach. That's what your father asks of me, and that's what I'll keep doing." (10.72)

Loyalty isn't just something that comes with blood relations. In Sean and Mutt's case, Mutt's father has bought Sean's loyalty, and Sean is a good enough guy to stay loyal even though Mutt doesn't deserve it.