Tradition and Customs Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

All entries must train within 150 yards of the shoreline. (12.8)

Puck says the reason for this rule is to keep the water horses from running all over the island, but it also ensures maximum bloodshed between the training participants.

Quote #2

When you traffic in monsters, that's the risk you run, that you'll find one too monstrous to stomach. (15.24)

The Scorpio Races is almost like working with the mafia on a yearly basis. Sometimes a horse comes along that fits into the crazy "loose cannon" mold, and that's where all the drama comes from.

Quote #3

Outside, the Scorpio drummers beat closer, louder, and there is laughter among them. (22.35)

Pretty much everything about the races is dramatic and foreboding. Are there Scorpio kazoo players? No, there are drummers, drumming a beat that gets your pulse racing.