The Seagull Dreams, Hopes and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #4

Nina: I'd be willing to live in a garret and starve; maybe I wouldn't even like myself… just as long as I was famous! Really, spectacularly famous! (2.107)

Perhaps Nina's lust for fame stems from the neglect of her father and stepmother.

Quote #5

Masha: So I'm getting married. No love involved, just lots of responsibilities… Make me forget the past. (3.7)

Masha thinks she's figured out how to move on with her life and get over Konstantin. We're not so sure.

Quote #6

Nina: All I had was one pebble in my hand. I was trying to guess if I'd be an actress or not. I wish someone would advise me.

Trigorin: Nobody can advise you about that. (3.16-17)

Nina seems to be inviting Trigorin to "take her life" by giving her advice. He can't; he's still under the control of Arkadina and ultimately prefers it that way.