The Seagull Dreams, Hopes and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #7

Sorin: He's an intelligent young man, and here he is stuck out here in the country, miles from nowhere, no money, no job, no prospects… He's ashamed, afraid of what will happen to him if he keeps on doing nothing, like this. (3.38)

Perhaps Sorin sympathizes so closely with Konstantin because of his own disappointments in life.

Quote #8

Trigorin: Love like this, young love, marvelous poetic love, a love that whirls you away to a land of dreams… it's the only thing on earth that can bring us happiness! I've never known a love like that! When I was young I never had the time—I was always trying to get myself published, make a living. And now it's happened! (3.96)

We know from the end of the play that Trigorin's commitment to this "marvelous, poetic love" doesn't last. Is Nina a distraction for him? Or does Arkadina really ruin what could have been a good thing between those two?

Quote #9

Arkadina: My beautiful love, my divine lover…you're the final page of my life story! (3.101)

Arkadina's trying to lock down Trigorin for her "old age"—she's in her forties, by the way —and sacrifices some of her self-respect in order to do so.