August Boatwright

Character Analysis

August lives in Tiburon, South Carolina, where she makes a living beekeeping and selling honey-based products. She is originally from Richmond, Virginia, where worked as a housekeeper for Lily's mother, Deborah. She got her degree from a teacher's college and taught history for six years up north before moving down to Tiburon to start her beekeeping/honey business.

August is warm, loving, energetic, and powerful, and she loves to tell stories. She's extremely spiritual and earthy. Between beekeeping by day and performing Virgin Mary-centric worship in her off hours, she basically gives off the vibe of being at one with the whole universe. Also, she's highly intelligent and seems to be super knowledgeable about a wide range of topics (she was a teacher, after all). Throughout the story, Lily is in awe of everything that August knows and can do.